Any type of pain after a dental appointment can be concerning. Whether you had a routine dental cleaning, a simple filling, or a more complex procedure, post-dental treatment discomfort can be a distressing experience, but fear not – your dentist in Edina is here to help. After all, understanding what you… Read More…
When it comes to protecting our bodies during physical activities, we often prioritize helmets, knee pads, and other protective gear. However, one crucial piece of equipment that is often overlooked, or is considered only necessary for kids, is the mouthguard. In fact, your dentist in Edina would recommend that everyone… Read More…
Your dentist in Edina believes that prevention is key when it comes to maintaining optimal oral health. Tooth decay is a common problem that can lead to more significant issues if left untreated. But there’s good news. Tooth decay can often be prevented. What is Tooth Decay? Tooth decay occurs… Read More…
Missing teeth can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, and they can also lead to serious oral health issues. Fortunately, your dentist in Edina can offer several solutions to restore missing teeth, with dental implants being one of the most popular and effective. What are Dental Implants? Dental implants are artificial tooth roots… Read More…
Most people have 20 baby teeth, and 32 permanent adult teeth. However, a condition called hyperdontia can cause too many teeth to grow inside the mouth. This is usually more common in kids but can also occur into adulthood. Hyperdontia can be treated by your dentist in Edina, but sometimes… Read More…
The term ‘impacted tooth’ refers to a tooth that was supposed to erupt yet hasn’t. As a result, the tooth can get trapped in the gums. Most commonly, impaction occurs with wisdom teeth, but the truth is any tooth can become impacted. So what exactly happens if you have an… Read More…
Not white enough, not straight enough, not even enough – these are just a couple of things that tend to bother people about their teeth. If you’re someone who isn’t completely happy with the way your teeth look, you may shy away from fully smiling and enjoying life. Nobody should… Read More…
There are certain foods that are almost guaranteed to get stuck in between your teeth. Things like seeds, broccoli, spinach, and meat products usually require a good flossing to remove all of the food particles left behind. But did you know that if you always get food stuck in between… Read More…
Dentures can be a game-changer for many people. They can help restore appearance as well as confidence. Dentures can even help people enjoy the foods they were once unable to eat. Many patients find their dentures a comfortable solution to missing teeth, but there are times when a denture can… Read More…
Your dentist in Edina has known for quite some time that there is a strong link between gum disease and other whole-body concerns, such as an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. But recent research by the American Academy for Cancer Research has also shown a connection between gum… Read More…